
What is NVTA

The Napa Valley Transportation Authority (NVTA) is a Congestion Management Agency formed in 1998 as a joint effort by the Cities of American Canyon, Calistoga, Napa, and St. Helena; the Town of Yountville; and the County of Napa. NVTA serves as the countywide transportation planning agency. The agency’s goals, duties, and composition make it easier for local governments to tackle the increasingly complex problem of traffic congestion.


What is a Congestion Management Agency (CMA)?

Congestion Management Agencies were created through the passage of Proposition (Prop) 111 by California voters in 1990. Prop 111 added 9¢ per gallon to the state fuel tax to fund local, regional, and state transportation project and services. It also required urban counties to designate a congestion management agency with the primary responsibility to coordinate transportation planning, funding, and other activities in a congestion management program.


What does NVTA do?

NVTA receives state transportation funds, federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds, and other funds that are apportioned to urbanized areas. It is also able to enjoy certain benefits as well as comply with the additional requirements of being a designated federal Transportation Management Area.

As the program manager for the Transportation Fund for Air Quality, NVTA helps promote air quality in the Napa region. We also work with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to coordinate funds from the Transportation Development Act (TDA) for transit, paratransit, streets and roads, and bicycle projects. Additionally, NVTA serves as the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Authority for the allocation of funds derived from vehicle registration fees.


What plans are produced through NVTA?

NVTA sponsor several plans and reports including the Countywide Transportation Plan (CWTP) and the Short-Range Transit Plan (SRTP). The CWTP is a long-range policy document that guides decisions and articulates the vision for the County’s transportation system over a 25-year planning horizon. It lays the groundwork for an investment program and serves as Napa County’s input to the Regional Transportation Plan. This plan is updated every four years. NVTA also develops long-range bicycle and pedestrian plans that are incorporated into the CWTP.

This Short-Range Transit Plan (SRTP) is NVTA and Vine Transit’s operating and capital plan planning document. The SRTP outlines the capital expenditure program and forecasted expenditures and needs for the next five years. The SRTP identifies short-range goals necessary to meet the 5-year planning horizon.

The SRTP presents a general service plan and identifies specific capital projects needed to support the service plan. Capital projects and service plans are subject to approval by the NVTA Board of Directors. Revisions to projects may occur due to changes in Vine Transit goals and objectives as a result of State and Federal budget actions, changes in trip making characteristics within the service area, changes in Vine’s area of jurisdiction, or other unforeseen causes. The SRTP provides guidelines for making decisions that mitigate unanticipated changes. NVTA is responsible for updating the SRTP on a regular basis (every 4 years) to reflect changes and plan for project development and program enhancement.


CMA goals lead to transportation improvements

NVTA is Napa County’s transportation information and funding conduit. By properly channeling information, expertise and scarce transportation dollars, the CMA makes sure that tax dollars are spent wisely to improve transportation countywide. The CMA’s goals include:

· strengthening local jurisdictions ability to compete for transportation funds

· giving Napa County a stronger voice in state and regional transportation decisions

· coordinating planning and development that crosses jurisdictional lines, and generating and supporting legislation to coordinate local and regional policies on transportation investment


Who makes the decision on where tax dollars should be allocated?

NVTA implements projects and programs approved by the voters through policy, planning, and funding decisions made in public meetings. Members represent the interests of their local constituents, as well as all residents of Napa County who benefit from the investments included in the county transportation plans. NVTA has community advisory committees that make direct recommendations on bicycle and pedestrian funding, as well as transportation funding for seniors and those with disabilities. This allows local community members to be engaged in recommending how transportation dollars are allocated.


How can I visit NVTA's administrative offices at the Soscol Gateway Transit Center? Where do I park? Locate the ticket office?

Our beautiful new offices and transit center is located at 625 Burnell St. near downtown Napa just off Third St. Vine Transit’s customer service office is located on the first floor near the east side of the building in the breezeway. The NVTA administrative offices are located on the second floor of the building, accessible by the lobby stairs or elevator. When visiting us or  picking up or dropping off passengers, please use our parking lot located on the west side of the building, just off Fourth Street.

For the safety of our transit passengers and visitors, there is no car or taxi access to the front side of the building in the bus terminal area; that location is for buses and bus operations only. We thank you for your consideration.

What is NVTA?
Congestion Management Agency
What does NVTA do?
What plans are produced through NVTA?
CMA goals lead to transportation improvements
Who makes the decision on where tax dollars should be allocated?
Administrative Offices